Here at New Directions we strive to go above and beyond more than just a chiropractic clinic. In order to achieve maximum health and a better quality of life you must have your nervous system working at 100%. We focus on freeing the nervous system from the interference that life can create and instead of only treating the symptoms or diagnosing the disease, we plan to restore the communication between the brain and body so you can do what you were designed to do; HEAL.
We love our patients and want to build a personal relationship with them and their families for years to come! We want our clinic to be a safe haven in the community for you to feel at home so you can focus on working towards a better version of YOU! We believe that it is never too late to take that first step towards health and we will be here helping you achieve the goals you want to reach every step of the way!

Healing starts from the inside out and the absence of pain does not indicate health!

If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always gotten.
Choose a New Direction!
We look forward to serving you!

New Directions Chiropractic

1333 Second St NE, Suite 312, Hickory, NC, 28601

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